APIO 2021 Results and Tasks

26 May 2021

The tasks, official results, and open contest results of APIO 2021 have just been published.

Once again, we would like to congratulate all contestants and medalists. See you in future APIOs.

APIO 2021 Team

Organizing Committee

  • Brian Marshal
  • Reynaldo Wijaya Hendry

Scientific Committee

  • Prabowo Djonatan
  • Abdul Malik Nurrokhman
  • Hocky Yudhiono
  • Jonathan Irvin Gunawan
  • Sebastian Mualim
  • Wiwit Rifa'i

Technical Committee

  • Ashar Fuadi
  • Agus Sentosa Hermawan
  • Jonathan Christopher
  • Muhammad Rais Fathin Mudzakir

Event Committee

  • Dwika Putra
  • Ali Jaya Meilio Lie
  • Samuel

Closing Ceremony

25 May 2021

We have now reached the end of our event. Thank you to all participants that have participated the contest. We would like to invite you to join the Closing Ceremony on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 at 12:30 (UTC+0). Please set a reminder so we could attend it together. See you there!

Unofficial Result and Appeal Session

24 May 2021

APIO 2021 Competition Window is now finished and we are now accepting appeals from team leaders. The unofficial result of APIO 2021 and the instruction to appeal have been sent to team leaders earlier today. If the contestants would like to appeal, please reach to your team leaders.

The contestants can now check the result of their official submissions in the contest system. For easier analysis of submissions, the contestants can also download the test cases in the contest system. Additionally, the contest system is now receiving unofficial submissions if contestants want to check the result of a new submission.

APIO 2021 Opening Ceremony

20 May 2021

To celebrate the festivity of APIO 2021, please join us in APIO 2021 Opening Ceremony. The ceremony will be held as a virtual event on Youtube on Friday, 21 August 2021 at 12:30 (UTC+0). Please set a reminder so we could attend it together. See you there!

Social Media

19 May 2021

We invite you to follow our social media accounts to get the latest APIO 2021 information.

If you have any photo or commentary regarding APIO 2021, please tag us in the respective account and add #APIO2021 hashtag!

APIO 2021 Open Contest

3 May 2021

Information regarding APIO 2021 Open Contest has been published in the Open Contest page.

APIO 2021 Schedule

30 March 2021

The schedule for the appeal session and open contest have been slightly updated. Please check the updated APIO 2021 Schedule.

APIO 2021 Rules

16 March 2021

Several information in the competition rules has been updated. Please check the updated APIO 2021 Competition Rules.

Grading System

14 March 2021

Preliminary information regarding technical specification of the grading system has been published in the Grading System page.

APIO 2021 Call for Tasks

3 February 2021

We are looking for tasks for APIO 2021. Proposals for tasks will be accepted until Sunday, March 14 2021. Other guidelines for proposals can be found at Call for Tasks.


3 February 2021

Welcome to the official website of APIO 2021!

This feed will be updated with news about APIO 2021.